Honor is not what we have it is who we are. It cannot be taken from us we can only deny it and give it away along with ourselves.. There is an order to life. First Gaia, then Mate, then pack. A wulf knows this a wulf lives this a wulf is this. And I am Sadoc The Alpha of Uthag.
Lycan/Vampyre History
Lycans and Vampyre were not always at odds. It is true they were created to keep each other in check by the mother. Siblings in many ways they are natural sides to the same coin, hunting the same food source needing the same amounts of territory. And once they lived in friendly companionship.
The secrets of Vampyre and how they create children are unclear as they kept many inner workings from their Lycan brothers. But once the Lycans lived next to their brothers providing services such as guards during the times in which they must remain in the darkness away from the world. Only the strongest of the Vampyres could join their Lycan brothers in the daylight.
Soon though a new generation of Vampyre came about who did not see living in union with the Lycan as a desirable condition. This new generation grew in numbers in the darkness soon being so vast in numbers that they grew bold and struck out at their elders in a civil war. Borders were no longer safe, territories no longer safe for the Lycan. Once the new generation of Vampyre became victorious the turned their vast numbers on their Lycan neighbors.
Thus the first Great Lycan and Vampyre war began. There were great losses on both sides. In the end the Lycans were overcome and enslaved by their brothers who did not believe any longer in Gaia's Law. The centuries passed and the Lycans grew bold as their Masters once had. This same Masters growing lazy and arrogant. Soon the Lycans had everything in place and broke free of their overlords and began another Great war winning their freedom and once again roaming free and taking up the charge of the Mother. The remaining Vampyres grew into two camps those who relished and welcomed their Brothers nack to Freedom and the old ways and the Leeches who the Lycan vow to hunt until not one survives.