Honor is not what we have it is who we are. It cannot be taken from us we can only deny it and give it away along with ourselves.. There is an order to life. First Gaia, then Mate, then pack. A wulf knows this a wulf lives this a wulf is this. And I am Sadoc The Alpha of Uthag.
Pack Life
All Lycans are born into a pack. Sometimes they leave a pack of their own and roam as lonewulf. Unlike their brother Lupus where only the alpha's may breed Lycan's of all stations may have families. In the end it is a Lycan's nature to live within a pack to be outside of pack is to be alone so many lonewulfs only remain so until they find the pack they belong in sometimes it will be their birth pack sometimes another. This wanderlust in some lycans is a way nature ensures bloodlines to not become inbred.
The make up of the Pack
Most pack positions are challenged for.
Alpha- the ruler of the pack. Sometimes the position is inherited.
Betas-the number is decided upon by the size of the pack. Often times the heirs to the Alpha will make up some of these positions. These positions are made up of some of the toughest wulvs.
Charlie- Often heads of the individual families that make up the pack.
Deltas-the middle class of the wulvs.
Omegas-The working class of the pack. These are often the wulvs who go out and work in human society to earn current currency for the pack.
Thetas-often captives from pack wars. These are the lowest of the pack often wulvs who commit crimes against the pack are placed here as punishment rather than banishment. They have no say in pack politics and get what is left of the pack bounty after all other classes are taken care of. Rarely will a theta move above it's station.
Enforcers- these are often lonewulvs seeking entrance into the pack or the protection of the pack without the formal ties. Sometimes those who are skilled enough to be Betas but not chosen will find themselves in the Enforcers in positions of Authority
Most packs live in compounds or within neighborhoods that have been bought up for their specific use. The pack maintains any empty dwellings and all communal spaces. This is mainly handled by the Theta class. Occupied dwellings are seen to be the responsibility of the family living within although they may employ Thetas to do much of the work. To ensure the pack has the money needed to maintain the Omegas often go out and work in the human world learning the skills needed to perform things like skilled labor(plumbing, carpentry, nursing) The Betas often are higher educated and along with the Alphas may run corporations or be involved with human politics and protective services like the police and fire departments at high levels as well as Doctors Lawyers. The pack invest highly in these people in the human world of education and charity.
Each pack will also maintain a forested area if not connected to the compound or neighborhood it will often be a seperate compound near a national forest or in distant unpopulated areas. This allows for the pack to hunt and live according to ancient ways and is often where pregnant females will go to give birth and spend the first months with the new pup. Most wulvs will travel to this place when the urges to transform are to great to ignor so they can hunt wild game and satisfy the wulf within.