Honor is not what we have it is who we are. It cannot be taken from us we can only deny it and give it away along with ourselves.. There is an order to life. First Gaia, then Mate, then pack. A wulf knows this a wulf lives this a wulf is this. And I am Sadoc The Alpha of Uthag.
Moons of Lycan Life
The moon phase has much to do with a lycan's life. As the moon moves through the phases a lycans rage becomes more uncontrollable until it reaches the full moon where the control will be at it's weakest. The lycan's strength also can weaken as the moon moves through it's phases. A lycan is strongest during it's birth moon. During their birth moon they will feel energized many lycans at this point become almost manic they cannot sleep they feel the need to run and hunt almost continuously.
New Moon.
Children born during this moon are destined to be great tricksters,spies and assassins. Some even become thieves, although this behavior is tolerated by the pack it is not encouraged for that use. Creatures who walk in the dark of the moon are sly and masters of stealth. Lycans born under the new moon often seem to show a lack of respect for pack law or the structure of pack life. They often have great senses of humor. The Cub will be known as a Ragabash, playing devils advocate often and also providing distractions for packmates who may be trapped and needing to escape. Think of a court jester as they are often seen but dismissed and forgotten but many.
Cresent Moon(1st quarter)
The moon in her glory cuts through the darkness of the new moon much like the blade of a mystics knife. Pups born to this moon are often mystics and obsessed with the spirit world . They are often the keepers of lore and myth. They are taught from a young age to master of the occult and experts at cosmology. They are raised to be Theurges, seers, oracles and guides of the Umbra. Often as they mature they are assigned an aide to take care of them as they often get lost in their studies of the mysteries. They are also healers of both body and spirit and the Doctors of the pack are of this moon but do not follow the more mystical side. They study herbology and healing lore.
Half Moon
As this moon is the totality of being between light and dark so to are those born under this phase. The ride the edge between man and beast, good and evil, nature and nurture. Those born under this moon are often judges, counselors/psychiatrists and mediators they are taught all the intricacies of pack laws and traditions and psychiatry. Often these people are on the Alpha's council and in lieu of a strong Garu they may ride to the rank of Alpha.
Full Moon
The cubs born under this moon are Garu the warrior class. Pups born under this moon are prone to increased rage. The often suffer from bloodlust and the revel in feral frenzies and do little to control their rage. They are also the class that Alphas are born of. They also revel in physical labor and keeping themselves the strongest of their kind. And their feral rampages have given often much credence to the typical movie werewolf mythology.
Gibbous moon(3rd quarter)
Lycan born under this sign are known as Moon Dancers. The are artist inspired by the moon and nature. Can be flighty and temperamental and sudden have a burst of creativity. The are the story tellers and lore Keepers. They keep the history as a living thing and are known as the Galliards. The often serve as emissaries between packs helping to keep disputes from growing into full blown pack wars. During good times they are also emissaries between Lycan and other semi immortal creatures.